
As practiced at Kwak's Taekwondo/Karate

Hwa Rang was the name of a National Institute, which trained its youth for times of national need. A Hwa Rang candidate had to be a man of character, virtue, and countenance. Those who met these qualifications could become a Hwa Rang pupil. They were trained to improve their moral principles and military skills. They entertained themselves by listening to music and poetry, and traveled around the country visiting famous mountains and rivers. The 29 moves represent the 29th infantry where Taekwondo developed into maturity. The youth were taught to be brave, to love their country, and to be cooperative. The five leadership qualities of Hwa Rang were as follows:

  1. Allegiance to the King.
  2. Faithfulness to their parents.
  3. Faithful friendship.
  4. Prohibition against the killing of animals.
  5. No retreat from the battlefield.

The main reason why Silla was able to defeat both Ko-Ku-Ryo and Bak Jai, and unify the three dynasties, was because of the Hwa Rang spirit under which the youth had been trained. The Hwa Rang spirit has survived through the ages, and.today it is used as the motto for youth.

Movements: 29


Kwak's Taekwondo/Karate Haw Rang Pattern Diagram

The illustrations for this pattern assume the student is standing on line AB and facing D (Front of DoJang).
  1. Move the left foot to A forming a riding horse stance toward D while executing a Left Mid palm pushing strike to D.
  2. Execute a Right Mid punch to D while maintaining the riding horse stance toward D.
  3. Execute a Left Mid punch to D while maintaining the riding horse stance toward D. Perform 1 in a slow motion immediately by 2 and 3 consecutively.
  4. Execute a twin forearm block toward B while sliding the right foot back to form a Left Back stance.
  5. Execute a Left Upward punch while pulling the right side fist in front of the left shoulder and mainting the Left Back stance toward B.
  6. Execute a Right Mid punch to B while forming a Right Fixed stance toward B.
  7. Pull the right foot to the left foot and execute a Right Knife-hand downward strike toward B.
  8. Move the left foot to B forming a Left Front stance toward B while executing a Left Mid punch to B (ki hap). Perform 5 - 8 consecutively.
  9. Move the left foot to D forming a Left Front stance toward D while executing a low Left Outer forearm block to D.
  10. Move the right foot to D forming a Right Front stance toward D while executing a Right Mid punch to D.
  11. Pull the left foot toward the right foot while bringing the left palm to the right fore-fist, at the same time bending the right elbow about 45 degrees outward.
  12. Execute a Right Mid side kick to D while pulling both hands in the opposite direction and then lower the right foot to D, forming a Left Back stance toward D. Finish with a Right Mid knife-hand strike to D (ki hap).
  13. Move the left foot to D forming a Left Front stance toward D while executing a Left Mid punch to D.
  14. Move the right foot to D forming a Right Front stance toward D while executing a Right Mid punch to D.
  15. Move the left foot to F turning counter clockwise to form a Right Back stance toward F while executing a Left Mid knife-hand guarding block to F.
  16. Move the right foot to F forming a Right Front stance toward F while executing a Right Mid spear finger thrust to F.
  17. Move the right foot on line EF forming a Right Back stance toward E while executing a Left Mid knife-hand guarding block to E.
  18. Execute a Right High turning kick to E and then lower the right foot to E.
  19. Execute a Left High turning kick to E and then lower left foot to E forming a Right Back stance toward E. Finish with a Left Mid knife-hand guarding block to E. Perform 18 and 19 consecutively.
  20. Move the left foot to C forming a Left Front stance toward C while executing a Left Outer forearm low block to C.
  21. Execute a Right Mid punch to C while forming a Right Back stance toward C. Perform 20 and 21 consecutively.
  22. Move the right foot to C forming a Left Back stance toward C while executing a Left Mid punch to C.
  23. Move the left foot to C forming a Right Back stance toward C while executing a Right Mid punch to C.
  24. Execute a low X-Fist pressing block while forming a Left Front stance toward C. Perform 23 and 24 consecutively.
  25. Move the right foot to C in a sliding motion forming a Right Back stance toward D while thrusting to C with the right side elbow (ki hap).
  26. Bring the left foot to the right foot, turning counter clockwise to form a closed stance toward B, while executing a Right High inner forearm block and Left Low outer forearm block.
  27. Execute a Left High inner forearm block and Right Low outer forearm block, while maintaining a closed stance toward B. Perform 26 and 27 consecutively.
  28. Move the left foot to A forming a Right Back stance toward A, while executing a Left Mid knife-hand guarding block to A.
  29. Bring the left foot to the right foot and then move the right foot to B forming a Left Back stance toward B, while executing a Right Mid knife-hand guarding block to B.

END: Bring the right foot back to a ready posture.